Monday, September 27, 2010

India ! Prior and Post Independance !

We are exploited by politicians and Industrialists. British Mother Fuckers.
We are exploited by politicians and Industrialists. Indian Mother Fuckers
Britishers dominated Indians considering them illiterate and inferior.
Politicians, Neta log, people with high jacks and Cheques dominate the common mass.
Economy in bad shape.
Economy in good shape.
British built the Railways and buildings like the India Gate, Gateway of India, Parliament and other monuments which still stand proud.
We built the Common Wealth Games stadiums and pools which are breaking down even before starting of the Games.
British looted and plundered Indian wealth and manpower.
Today Politicians loot and Plunder the Indian wealth and manpower. They Deposit it in European Banks.
I believe lesser Corruption at that time.
Corruption is the only system that works in India.